Friday, December 22, 2006

Christmas Sewing

Finally, my present sewing is finished. I don't want to touch my machine for another month or two.

Here is a quilt for my grandma. It has my mom's six grandkids on it. She loves frogs, so I put them on their own lily pad. (I had to black out the top three, due to they are not my children and I don't have the right to publish their photos online.)
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Here are a few pillows that have my kids pic on the inside. I made a few duplicates.
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Here are two skirts for my dd. The colorful one includes an exact skirt for her fave cabbage patch baby, Leila.
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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Winter Bag Swap

I haven't been in a craft swap for some time now. Today I received my new purse from my partner. I just love it. My fave colors for Christmas time, blue and silver.

Here is the evening bag that I made for her. I had the hardest time with this purse. I love it, but it was difficult to sew.